Chip-Off Training Classes
In order to take full advantage of technology, the user should expand technological background and boost some skills. We are convinced that the purchase of the best-of-breed product is only the first step. We have developed training programs that not only describe the technology and recovery process in general, but also give participants real implements for their future work.
Today we offer the following training programs:
- Chip-Off StartUp Training
- Chip-Off Advanced Training
- Monolith Pinout Discovery Training
We conduct classes in Regular Groups according to the regular training schedule and offer Closed-Door classes.
Regular Groups are conducted in English and they are attended by students from all over the world. Trainings are conducted Online or On-Site at our headquarters in Warsaw, Poland.
Closed-Door classes take place at times and dates convenient for the students. You can invite a live interpreter, choose a location and only your group participates in the training.