Anders Martinsen
Anders Martinsen is a globally renowned drone expert and Dronepilot with over a decade of experience in the drone industry. Throughout his illustrious career, he has distinguished himself as a visionary leader, spearheading UAS Norway's transformation into an internationally recognized organization. Through strategic international collaborations, he has established platforms dedicated to facilitating and advancing the use of drones in policing, emergency response, and the public sector.
Under Martinsen's guidance, UAS Norway has become a pivotal player in advocating for the safe and responsible integration of drones into society. Their enduring partnerships, including one with Interpol, have been instrumental in raising awareness about the myriad of beneficial applications that drones can offer to society. Furthermore, Martinsen and UAS Norway are committed to enhancing public understanding and acceptance of drone technology.
Safety is at the forefront of Martinsen's mission, as he tirelessly works towards the secure integration of drones into the airspace, alongside manned aviation. He places a particular emphasis on the implementation of Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems (CUAS) technology to ensure the coexistence of drones and traditional aviation safely.
Anders Martinsen's unwavering dedication to the drone industry has not only propelled him to international recognition but has also significantly contributed to the responsible and productive utilization of drone technology for the greater good of society.
06-Mar-2024Theater AFireside Discussion | Drones as First Responder
06-Mar-2024Theater ALeadership Discussion | A Systematic Approach to Use C-UAS For Public Safety
06-Mar-2024Theater ALeadership Discussion | Innovative Solutions to Protect Critical Infrastructure Such as Airports From the Wrong Use of UAS