Mohammad AlShamsi
Capt. Eng. Expert Mohammad AlShamsi is the Head of Firearms and Toolmarks section at Dubai Police. He graduated from the first INTERPOL Young Global Police Leaders Program in 2019 and the UAE Government Leaders Programme in 2021. AlShamsi is a member of numerous international associations such as the Association of Firearms and Toolmarks Examiners AFTE where he is the first Firearms and Toolmarks Examiner to achieve all AFTE certifications outside of North America in the World FA/TM/GSR-AFTE. AlShamsi is the first validated ammunition expert in the world from a law enforcement background and a member of the United Nations Saferguard program.
AlShamsi was an Adjunct Faculty member at numerous academic institutes for Bachelor’s and Master’s students in Forensic Science Ballistics and Advanced Ballistics course within the UAE and out; he has lectured and trained more than 4461 attendees in events and training courses since the beginning of 2017 to date.
06-Mar-2024Theater CLeadership Keynote | Blockchain-based Automated Ballistics Identification System (ABIS)